Logistics Business Network User Management


This training will cover how to manage users in Logistics Business Network, adding, editing, and deleting.

Important, only users with the “Admin” role will be able to manage users in Logistics Business Network.

1. Adding New Users

Login to Material Transport’s Logistics Business Network using the username or email address and password you created during the on-boarding process.

Click the tile, “User Management”:

Here you can add, edit, and/or remove users from your Logistics Business Network.

To add a user, click “Add”: 

Enter the users First Name, Last Name, email address, and assign them a user group.

If you want them to be an administrator for your Logistics Business Network, select the role ######## – Admin

If you want them to only be able to use the features of Logistics Business Network but not make account level changes, select ######## – All_Function.

The key difference between “Admin” and “All_Function” is that “Admin” can ONLY add, change or delete users and modify enterprise level settings such as the business address or email. Users who ONLY have the Administrator role cannot perform the functions listed under “All_Function”.

If you have a user who needs to perform all functions in addition to managing users, assign them both the “Admin” and “All_Function” roles.

Note: The ######## above is a set of letters and numbers that is unique to your account. The part we are interested in is at the end of that, Admin and All_Function. Check the screenshots below to see an example of what that looks like in User Management.

Refer to the table below for what each role can and can not do:



Manage Business Profile
Manage Invitations
Manage Notification Settings
Retention Management
System Connections
User Management
Blocking Store
Define User Settings
Freight Orders for Confirmation
Freight Orders for Reporting
Freight Orders for Self Billing
Freight Orders for Settlement
Freight Quotations
Freight Requests for Quotation
Manage Invitations
Manage Notification Settings
Retention Management
Self-Book Dock Appointments
Once you have entered their name, email address, and selected their user group, click “Save”:
You may encounter the pop-up, “You are trying to add a user with a different email domain…” this is fine. Click “Ok” to confirm the new user’s email address.

2. Editing a User

To edit a user, find them from the list, or search for their name, and click the “Pencil”:

You can now change their name, email address, and user group. Click “Save” to save your changes or “Cancel” to cancel any changes you made:

3. Deleting a User

To delete a user, find them from the list, or search for their name, click the checkbox next to their first name to select them and click “Delete” > “Delete User”:

Confirm you want to delete the selected user by clicking “Ok” or cancel by clicking “Cancel”.

This can not be undone. If you accidentally delete a user, you will need to re-add them using the steps above.


LBN User Management Video